Employee Groups
Select the employee groups below that you are apart of to view the benefits and updates that apply to you.


Part-time (B,E,F,L)

Part-time Food Service



Are you Enrollment Ready?
Your enrollment journey begins here. Click the Learn More link below for a smooth enrollment.

Employee Groups
Making an informed enrollment decision is important. Start by selecting your employee group to review your benefit options.

Enrollment Tools & Resources
TheĀ tools and resourcesĀ that will help you get the most out of your benefits.

Notices & Forms
Review your plan document, notices or download the forms you need.

Office of Risk and Benefits Management
1501 N.E. 2nd Avenue, Suite 335
Miami, Florida 33132
Mon - Fri, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. ET
FBMC Service Center
Mon - Fri, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. ET
1-855-MDC-PS4U (1-855-632-7748)